Crude Tall Oil

Crude Tall Oil (CTO) is a dark-colored, viscous liquid that has a distinct odor. It is made up of various organic compounds, including resin acids, unsaturated acids, fatty acids, and fatty alcohols. The oil is obtained from the treatment of sulfate soap with sulfuric acid, which is typically produced during the pulping process of wood using the sulfate method.

CTO can be further refined to different fractions like fatty acids, rosins, and sterols.

CTO Features:

  • Crude tall oil, due to its insolubility in water, is a cost-effective and efficient solution for aqueous phase applications (for flotation in the mining industry).
  • Crude tall oil is a versatile material that maximizes the life cycle of wood-based raw materials, and it is a non-land-based, non-food competing feedstock.
  • Derived from renewable, sustainable sources.
  • CTO provides a sustainable alternative to petroleum and vegetable-based oils.
  • CTO has unique properties with a wide variety of industrial and consumer applications.
  • CTO can sometimes be used as substitute for Tall Oil Fatty Acid (TOFA) for way cheaper price

Crude Tall Oil applications:

  • Please find below a list of various industrial uses of some specific materials:
  • Semi-finished product for producing rosin
  • Raw material to produce tall oil fatty acids (TOFA)
  • Raw material to produce distilled tall oil (DTM)
  • Component of cutting fluids
  • Used as a flotation reagent
  • Used in the production of polyurethane, phenol-formaldehyde, xylene-formaldehyde resins
  • Widely used in the formulations of various drilling fluids
  • Most often used as a lubricant additive or a starting component for the production of emulsifiers
  • Used as a component in protective paint and varnish coatings
  • Used in the production of release liquids, lubricants, and cooling materials
  • Raw material in the production of biofuels, namely as feedstock for the production of HVO (Hydrotreated vegetable oil)
  • Used in the production of lubricants, and lubricating components
  • A component in the production of release liquids and cooling liquids.

Grades, Packaging and Transport:

Specialist in Oleochemistry and Plant Chemistry for over 50 years, Henry Franc S.A.S. offers two grades of Crude Tall Oil with two different Free Resin Acid values.
We offer 1000kg IBCs and bulk (other packagings on request).
Our Mininum Order Quantity is 1 IBC of 1000kg.
Direct deliveries from the production plant.

For a price quote or more informations:

Tel : +33 4 78 42 58 36