Plastic paint packaging
plastic buckets, plastic pails, boxes, cylindrical boxes.
HENRY FRANC SAS commercialize the full range of plastic packaging of the Italian company PIPAIL, whose production site is located in Torino – Italy. Founded in 1975, PIPAIL has become a leading producer of plastic pails for the packaging of paints and powder, paste, industrial products (sealants, etc.).
Present at major actors in the paint and coatings industry, PIPAIL is known for its reliability and flexibility. More than 100 people are working on 30 production lines in order to produce more than 25 million pieces per year.
Customization and printing :
PIPAIL is integrated in printing (IML – “in mold labelling”). This modern technology allows to print minimum series of 2000 pieces only. It also allows our customers not to be committed on excessive quantities.
Good to know: Printing plastic buckets is cheaper than labelling.
Offer :
We offer a wide range of plastic buckets and plastic boxes, from 0.5L to 20L.
PIPAIL is able to provide different types of pails :
- neutral white buckets
- body-coloured buckets
- buckets from recycled polymer
Transport and Logistics
Direct deliveries from PIPAIL production plant.
For a price quote or more informations :
Cyrille GINDRE
Tel : +33 4 78 42 58 36